Tag Archives: Tony Blair

Time Flies


So I was reading The Mail the other day.

Just wait a second! I hate The Mail. It is absolute trash. But someone had left it lying about on the tube, and I had already finished reading The Metro The Independent, The Guardian, The Times, and The Telegraph. So I needed something, anything to keep my eyes from awkwardly meeting another commuter’s and running the risk of actually having to speak to someone.

My eyes skipped over a page. I did a double take. What was that!? Former Prime Minister Tony Blair’s youngest son, 29, had got hitched.

What on earth? But Tony Blair’s son is a boy(!) Twenty-nine? I don’t understand.

I sat there for a few moments trying to calculate if it was even biologically possible for Tony Blair to have a 29 year old son.

Then the pieces slowly began to slot together in my mind. Tony Blair left office eight years ago! He was made PM 18 years ago! …Children.. grow up!

For the first time in my life, I felt a twinge of being old.

© 2015 Bryan A. J. Parry

featured image from http://img.thesun.co.uk/aidemitlum/archive/01847/SNN1115NICK-_1847786a.jpg